Is Bad Posture to Blame for Your Jaw Pain?

September 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mylakeforest @ 4:57 pm
Man sitting at desk with bad posture

Do you find it difficult to chew due to persistent jaw pain? Do you sometimes experience the sensation of lockjaw? You might have TMJ disorder, which is also known as TMD. TMD is a complex condition, and many factors can contribute to it. In some cases, a person’s posture is to blame! How might bad posture lead to TMD symptoms, and what can you do to find relief? This blog post explains.

Posture and Your TMJ

Your jaw joint, also called your temporomandibular joint or TMJ, is a delicate and complex part of your body. It can be greatly affected by things that are happening in other parts of your body. When your head, neck, shoulders, and spine are not properly aligned, this can place stress on the muscles around your TMJ. As a result, you could experience jaw pain and related symptoms.

It is also worth noting that the connection between TMD and posture can be a two-way street. Just like poor posture can adversely affect your TMJ, problems with your TMJ can cause musculoskeletal issues throughout the body and have a negative impact on your posture.

Correcting Your Posture

If you improve your posture, you might find that your TMD symptoms become less severe. Here are some helpful tips:

  • When you are standing, straighten your spine and keep your shoulders back. Keep some tension in your abdomen, and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Do not lock your knees. Some people find it helpful to pretend they are walking around with a book on their head.
  • When you are sitting, try to keep your feet on the floor and your back pressed against your chair. Investing in a good desk and chair can keep you comfortable and make it easier to work on your posture.
  • Remind yourself to engage in movement, especially if your normal routine involves a lot of sitting. Even a few minutes of walking every hour can improve your posture and reduce stress on your musculoskeletal system.
  • Try not to look down too much when you are using your phone or other electronic devices. This can cause forward head posture (also known as “nerd neck”).

If you are struggling to correct your posture, you might need assistance from a professional, such as a chiropractor or physical therapist, who can recommend exercises and therapies to get your body into proper alignment.

What If You Still Have TMD Symptoms?

If you have been working on your posture for a while but still have TMD symptoms, it may be time to visit a qualified dentist. They can work to identify the cause of your problem and provide effective treatments to help you find relief. Hopefully, you will soon be pain-free!

Meet the Practice

Dr. Steve Cha has been practicing dentistry for more than 20 years. He is proud to feature biorejuvenation dentistry in his practice, which aims to help patients achieve a harmonious bite and pain-free jaw function. To learn more about how Dr. cha and our team might be able to help you find freedom from TMD symptoms, contact Lake Forest Dental of McKinney at 972-529-1800.

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