A missing tooth can do more than degrade your oral health—it can also affect your self-confidence, speech, and even the way you eat! If you find yourself hiding your mouth or feeling self-conscious about gaps in your teeth, dental implants could be the perfect solution. Continue reading to see how these permanent tooth replacements can restore your smile to like-new, helping you regain peace of mind and self-esteem.
(more…)Lake Forest Dental Blog
From Gaps to Grins: How Dental Implants Boost Confidence
December 20, 2024
How Long Will It Take for My Dental Implant Surgery?
November 7, 2024
Dental implants are the best tooth replacement option out there. They work by replacing the root of the missing teeth, allowing for a wide range of benefits that you can’t find elsewhere. This includes additional stability, comfort, and longevity. To achieve this, getting dental implants requires a multi-step process, including a surgical placement procedure. Here’s how long you can expect this to take.
(more…)Why It’s Important to Treat Your TMJ Disorder
October 4, 2024
Your jaw aches pretty frequently. Still, perhaps you consider this a minor inconvenience. After all, it’s not like your tooth fell out or your gums are bleeding or anything dramatic like that. Plus, joints get sore sometimes. A tender jaw hardly raises alarm bells!
While it’s hard to blame you for this line of thinking, it’s possible you have an untreated TMJ disorder. Without proper care, this can create problems that are anything but minor. Here’s why you might want to get your jaw pain looked at and your TMJ disorder treated.
(more…)Ace Your Next Dental Exam with These Back-to-School Tips
August 7, 2024
A new school year is here! Life is about to get busier, which means your dental health may not be a big priority as you juggle classes and studying time. Don’t let the school year lead to bad news the next time you see your dentist. Here are a few back-to-school tips to ensure you ace your semi-annual dental exam.
Time for Everyone’s Favorite Topic: Insurance. How is Dental Different from Medical?
May 6, 2024
So you’re trying to figure out your dental insurance benefits. You do your diligence, but after a while of reading dry, confusing insurance jargon, you’re just more confused. Why do your dental insurance benefits sound so different from your medical insurance benefits? Does the distinction matter? And, most importantly, how are you supposed to maximize your dental insurance benefits?
If your head is spinning, worry not! Here’s what you need to know about the difference between dental and medical insurance and how it affects you.
(more…)4 Things to Know When You Buy Dental Insurance
March 7, 2024
Your dental health is super important, so taking the time to go to the dental office for routine cleanings and checkups is a must! Dental insurance is a helpful tool for allowing patients to attend their routine visits for an affordable rate. Now that it’s time for you to choose a dental insurance plan, it’s important to be informed. Here are some things that you should know before buying dental insurance.
(more…)Everything You Need to Know About Homeoblock Appliances
November 1, 2023
Straight teeth aren’t just important for a beautiful smile. They can affect your dental health and oral functions. However, poor teeth alignment can also contribute to a narrowed airway, TMJ disorders, and many other complications. Traditional braces and clear aligners can fix bite and alignment problems to resolve the issues, but you have another option. A Homeoblock Appliance is a revolutionary method to ensure harmony between the upper and lower arches to improve dental health and airway function. Here’s what you need to know about the latest innovation in orthodontics.
Will a Chipped Tooth Heal on Its Own?
October 9, 2023
Chipping a tooth can result from various factors, such as biting into something hard or sports-related incidents. Beyond impacting the symmetry of your smile and your self-confidence, chipped teeth can pose oral health issues. Although the body can often heal itself, you might be wondering if a chipped tooth can naturally repair without the need for emergency dental intervention. Continue reading to find the answers you’re looking for.
(more…)Is Bad Posture to Blame for Your Jaw Pain?
September 23, 2023
Do you find it difficult to chew due to persistent jaw pain? Do you sometimes experience the sensation of lockjaw? You might have TMJ disorder, which is also known as TMD. TMD is a complex condition, and many factors can contribute to it. In some cases, a person’s posture is to blame! How might bad posture lead to TMD symptoms, and what can you do to find relief? This blog post explains.
(more…)How Should I Go About Finding a Great Emergency Dentist?
August 11, 2023
Imagine that you’re walking down the street on a clear, sunny day. Friendly neighbors wave and happy dogs bark as you pass, and everything seems to be going great until you’re suddenly hit with an excruciating toothache. Fighting through the pain, you reach for your cell phone only to realize that you don’t have a reliable emergency dentist in your contacts list. Oh, the humanity!
Reflecting upon this very possible nightmare scenario, you might want to make plans now so you know exactly who you’re going to call when a dental emergency strikes. Here are some ways to help you pick out an especially excellent emergency dentist.